As a neophyte at plate collecting I'm rather on the ignorant side.
Below you will find a complete list of the plates I have. I have no Idea if any are worth collecting.
If you have any suggestions as to what books to read, or where to go to educate myself please feel free.
Send me any information you like via E-Mail
Thank You.
1 Aldertons (?) England 5 3/4" shallow bowl, "Willow", back manufacturer emblem on edge, R in center. Classic Willow Design underglaze appears blurred.
1 Anchor Hocking USA 7 1/4", "Suburbia", iridescent salmon color w scalloped edge.
3 Camwood Ivory USA 6 1/2' plate, "Universal-Cambridge,O. , "oven proof", Ivory ground "alligatored" glaze, writing on back gold colored. red trim on edge, long green vine w brown veins and tendrils, one large red flower and three small blue flowers repeated three times around border, same red flower in center w two blue flowers, vine and tendrils. "16"
1 Century by Salem USA 10", Deep red border w Ornate "warranted 22 carat gold" trim and design. Glaze is "alligatored", Large white, pink and Yellow Peony like blooms radiating out into smaller pink, blue and yellow blooms w green foliage.
1 Century by Salem USA 10", Deep blue border w Ornate "warranted 22 carat gold" trim and design. Center glaze is "alligatored", bouquet of poppies, cornflowers, daisies, pinks and wheat sheaths w green foliage.
1 Coalport England 4 1/2" saucer, Bone China, "A.D> 1750, handwritten on back "5012/A in gold color underglaze and two small gold streaks. Gold color trim, white ground w blue underglaze design, Ornate flowers, bows and baskets.
1 Country Ware 7", pewter, four point scalloped edge. Back Two owl impressions on back one 5/8" the other smaller, "TM", "CW", "201", copyright c in a circle 1974".
1 Creative Manor Japan 6 1/2" plate, "Fine China", Reg. No. 9169". border blue and green flower with vines and smaller flowers reaching out on either side repeated three times, gold color trim on edge.
1 Dahar Decorated Ware Holland 8", tin plate, gold color trim, red pinstripe, dense multi floral border, center two finch like birds 1. blue green yellow and red bird in flight, 2. blue and black bird perched on flower stem, with bground faded plants and two yellow butterflies.
1 F T D Japan 6"saucer, "Extra touch", white ground. Gold color trim on edges, 8 peony blooms in a rectangle around center. Box 2
1 Figg?o Flint Decorative wall hanging plate, 11", gold color trim on edge and detailed six point design on border, center Leonardo De Vinci's Last Supper.
1 Homer Laughten USA Octagonal 9" w ivory color ground, 4 point border flowers w 1 spilling onto the plate, very colorful yellow and orange flowers, moss green stems and small leaves, black leaves and accents and trim. poor condition, spiderweb cracks, chip in edge. "E91".
1 Homer Laughton USA Eggshell Theme" J 53 N 5, Lucile S. Piper, Memory Plates. Off White ground, Blue glaze detail of "The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Rochester, New York. Border fruit and leaf relief. Back short history of the church.
2 Homer Laughton USA 6 1/4" plate, white ground. Border four point cluster of pink, yellow, blue and red flowers w green foliage separated by thick red bands, center another small cluster of pink, yellow and white flowers w two tone green foliage, "M ?? N 6".
4 Homer Laughton USA 2-6", 2-9", octagonal, black trim on edge, border 2 point opposite, cherry blossoms, small branch, large branch spilling onto plate, "L 33 N 8" Box 2
1 J & G Meakin England 10", Royal Staffordshire", "Avondale Ironstone", white ground with red underglaze detail. Center Full, peonies, daisies, and various other flowers and foliage, border six point design w alternating peony and flower designs, red mottled trim in from edge w fleur d lei design.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 inset of 6, deer with two fawns in woodland scene, three point outside design 1.fence with tree, 2.pole pine w mountain bground, 3.Pine cone on branch,10" w gold color trim.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 in set of 6,Male Quail foreground, mother quail & three chicks in bground in woodland scene, three point outside design 1.fence with tree, 2.same fence with tree, 3.oakleaves & acorns,10" w gold color trim.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 in set of 6,Elk calling in woodland scene, three point outside design 1.fence with tree, 2.twin scotch pines, 3.oakleaves &Pine cone on branch, 10" w gold color trim.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 in set of 6,Grouse in tree calling, Mountains in bground, three point outside design 1.fence with tree, 2.pole pine, 3.Pine cone on branch, 10" w gold color trim.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 in set of 6,Male Pheasant foreground, Hen pheasant bground,, three point outside design 1.twin scotch pines, 2.Oakleaves & acorns, 3.Pine cone on branch, 10" w gold color trim.
1 Johann Haviland Bavaria, Germany 1 in set of 6,Male Rabbit foreground, female rabbit bground, three point outside design 1.twin scotch pines, 2.Oakleaves & acorns, 3.fence with tree, 10" w gold color trim.
1 Johnson Bros England Commemorative plate, Windsor Ware. "Mount Vernon, view over the Potomac, east front, genuine hand engraving, patent # 174051. 10", Border brown fleur d lei type design. brown detail w colors brushed on .
1 Johnson Bros. Staffordshire, England 5 1/2" saucer, white ground, pink trim on scalloped edge, border vines w small pink, purple and yellow flowers. "Fine English Tableware", chip on edge.
Sold1 Johnson Bros. England 5 1/2 saucer, "Wins Ware", "Wild Turkeys, Native American", Pat. # 174050".Off white ground w brown underglaze, shallow scalloped on edge, border 3 point design w two h ens in weeds separated by fleur de lei over a weave design behind a floral design, center male turkey in flight over a meadow flanked by hedgerows, purple, green, light red, light blue accents on bird. Box 2
2 Johnson Bros. England 10", "Autumns Delight",Pat# 190092, "A genuine hand engraving, all decoration under the glaze is detergent and acid resistant colour", Ironstone, off white ground, brown glaze for detail, also yellow, red purple and green coloring, very busy fruit design w large groups randomly placed of , a pear, apple, bunch of grapes, cherries, and berries w leaves, several medium sized groups of plums, various small fruits throughout. Both plates have a chip in the edge. Box 2
3 Joni Forest Dogwood", 9 1/2" white ground, green mottled trim, design on one half of plate of dogwood leaves and two blooms, on back "original design, hand-etched, underglaze" and the legend of the Dogwood. Box 1
1 Karlsbad Austria 8 1/2" oblong shallow bowl w broad brim, White (china),two delicate floral bouquet at opposite ends Box 2
1 Kettlesprings Kilns RD 2, Alliance, Ohio, USA Commemorative plate from Rochester NY Lilac Festival, white ground w lilac color design. Center scene of lilac bushes, path in foreground, Church in bground. Border lilacs w different sights around Rochester. Back 2 paragraph description and history of the festival. Box 1
1 Knowles "Country Life" Currier & Ives Print, 10" w hatched blue border cobalt blue, three inch hairline crack in upper portion of picture Box 1
1 Limoges, "L S S (?) France 9 1/2", scalloped edges, Border five point pink w yellow peony design, 3 single blooms (12:00, 5:00, 7:00), group of blooms spilling onto plate (9:00), larger group of blooms (3:00), w green brown and gray foliage. One small bloom in center. L S S (?) Limoges
1 Limoges, American USA 6 1/2", "Toledo Delight-ITC-X", white ground w warrented 22K gold detailed border, center cluster of pink blue white and yellow flowers w green foliage, encircled by star shaped pale yellow band and more pink, blue and yellow flowers, w a tan vine around all. Box 2
1 Mottahedeh England Commemorative plate, Canandaigua, NY. Blue and White, deep, 10 1/2" City hall Center c1824, Border names local notables from history w rose design, around center design all Canandaigua Mayors are listed. Fredrick B. Johnson- Artist (my highschool art teacher), Louis M. Clark- designer. still boxed Item # S5301 (004105) Box 1
1 Noritake Japan 9 3/4", "Sheridan", USDesign Pat.#69833. center plain, border light and dark blue dental trim w 5 point small square w orange design, 5 point small inline floral group, pink, yellow, purple and blue w dark and light green foliage, gold color line. Box 2
1 Old England (?) England 10", off white of stained ground w blue underglaze, Very blurred in appearance, four point scalloped on edge, border large peony and leaf design, center scene a couple in a meadow w flowering tree looking back at a river w bridge, right a cottage across the river, left a single boater and flowering tree and structure on shore, bground a meadow with a church. Box 2
1 Pope-Grosser USA 10" scalloped edge, w gold color trim. Border six point roses, three buds, two single blooms and a 2 bloom group w buds and leaves spilling onto plate. Box 1
1 Rossini Japan 9 1/2 ", "Country French", off white "alligatored" ground w blue underglaze, Full plate scene, foreground brook w bridge, tree and flowering bush, center cottage front, woman feeding chickens, two children and dog playing, Carriage w two passengers and two horses approaching up road, bground trees, meadows and another cottage. one chip in the edge Box 2
1 Royal 6" saucer, "Colonial Homestead", white ground w green underglaze, "underglaze circa 1750", K, "patented 54". border resembles a plank floor w nails, center a wooden bucket w metal bands on a plank floor. Small chip on edge, chip and crack on back. Box 2
1 Royal China USA Royal Ironstone, underglaze, Currier & Ives "The Old Grist Mill, Hatched Border w scroll design, 3 chips in edge,. Box 1
2 Royal China USA Royal Ironstone, underglaze, Currier & Ives "The Old Grist Mill, Hatched Border w scroll design, detergent proof, oven proof, dishwasher safe. One w 2 chips in edge, the other the color seems to have faded. Royal Ironstone, underglaze, Currier & Ives "The Old Grist Mill, Hatched Border w scroll design, detergent proof, oven proof, dishwasher safe. One w 2 chips in edge, the other the color seems to have faded.
1 Royal China, Hampshire USA 10", "Vendome", White ground w blue underglaze, uniform pattern. Border 10 point floral, single bloom alternating with wide multi floral design, center 5 point design with similar flowers in a symmetrical design. "ovenproof, dishwasher safe, detergent proof underglaze decoration" Box 2`
1 Royal China, Inc USA 10", "Fair Oaks", "Royal color underglaze process. Center Brown undergalze detail, two trees framing a stone cottage w river, bridge , cattle, boy and dog in foreground, green yellow blue and red., border 12 point yellow and green flowers alternate with smaller flower, daisy trim. Box 2
1 Royal China, Inc. 10", "Quban Royal", Mottled "warranted 22 K gold" trim to the scalloped edge, Center Three large pink, yellow and white peonies, one bud and several small white flowers w tan and green foliage. Box 2
1 Royal China, Inc. 10", off-white ground, center yellow flowers, blue berries, pink, green and grey leaves. warrented 22 Kt. Gold edge trim. "L" "D 55" Box 1
1 Royal Stafford England 5 3/4" saucer, Bone China, gold color detail and trim, scalloped edges. Border Gold leaf design flanking a deep red band, center Pink and blue flowers w green and yellow foliage. Box 2
1 T S T Co. 8' off white ground, octagonal center edge, 3 point tulip design, yellow orange, purple green and black. paint warn in center. "9 31" Box 1
1 Universal Potteries, Inc. 9 3/4 to 10" square w scalloped at the corners, off white ground, green trim, four "art deco" flowers, very simple but unique (at least to me), two three tone orange flowers with sunrise centers, black and yellow stems and black and green leaves, two green, yellow, blue orange and pink flowers with round dot filler center, black stem, and green yellow, blue "philodendron" shaped leaves. Flowers are slightly worn from use. "ovenproof" Box 2
1 W.S.George 10", "Bolero", "299D", center almost to edges, Purple, pink and lavender petunias radiating from the center, yellow, orange, purple, and pink cosmos and zinnias, a pink rose and a yellow tied with a light blue ribbon, green foliage. Box 1
1 W.T.Copeland & Sons 7 3/4", white ground w brown underglaze,Back "Stoke Upon Kent" Copeland emblem imprint, "13", "L (over) 84".Trim on edge fashioned to look like an Oak branch, border 6 point Oak leaves and acorns, center foreground land leading up to a Moat, centerground over grown castle ruins, bground trees and clouds. 6 chips in the edge. Box 2
1 W.W.A. England 5 1/2" shallow bowl, "Willow",Back stamp imprint ,design (chain circling a sailing ship w trade Mark written above) and d is missing from England, Classic Willow Design. Box 2
1 Woodcraftery USA Wooden 8" plate w "Give us this day our daily Bread" and two wheat sheaths hand painted on front. Back "Made in America For Americans", small water damage spot on back varnish removed. Box 1
1 Wooden, 7 3/4", appears to be hand painted picture of chalet with water wheel, steam w fence, trees and rocks foreground, mountains bground. box 1
1 Tourist plate, Prospect Point, Niagara Falls. 8 1/2", scene of prospect Point, ornate relief on the border w gradient lime green color, gold color trim. hairline cracks in face, chip in edge, trim worn in places. Tourist plate, Prospect Point, Niagara Falls. 8 1/2", scene of prospect Point, ornate relief on the border w gradient lime green color, gold color trim. hairline cracks in face, chip in edge, trim worn in places.
1 9" w white ground, 3 point border w 1 spilling onto plate, orange poppies, yellow green and orange daisies, small purple bell shaped flowers, Green and black leaves, orange trim on edge. three chips n edge. Box 1
1 9 1/4", Border Gold color leaf and flower design, scalloped edges, center design boy kneeling at bed in prayer, "Now I Lay me down to sleep....."on scroll above him. Box 1
1 Oval 11 1/2", Hand painted, center three tulips pointing to three edges of the plate and leaves towards the fourth, two red and yellow tulips one yellow, green leaves and two light blue accents. Back Logo of a painter pallett and three brushes w an S in the center and "Handpainted". Box 1
1 Collared "Currier & Ives ", "The Old Grist Mill", glaze is "alligatored", paint is worn from use. Box 2
1 11 1/2" Plater, off white or stained , alligatored ground, offset center design, gray lattice behind a grouping of "stylized" flowers, straight stems w round flowers. Back hand written "5.S.0429." Box 2
1 Decoration plate, starburst edge w gold color trim, c1950's trailer in center, "God Bless this." above and "Lousy Traller" below. Note the mis spelling. Box 2
1 5" saucer, Oriental characters on back, appears to be hand painted in the Oriental water color fashion. Orange-Red trim in from edge, Green leaves w darker green veins, two large and two small flowers (similar to Fuji Mums), small tan and gold color accents, and a yellow and tan butterfly/dragonfly. Box 2
1 Deep 6" plate, white ground w green undergaze design. Mottled trim in from slightly scalloped edge, Scene in center foreground farmer hand seeding field w dog, birds scarecrow, centerground brick house w well and tree, bground fence and meadows, simple artwork. Box 2
1 7 1/4" plate, white ground. silver color trim on edge mostly worn off, one small group of pink, yellow and blue flowers on one side, a larger group of same color flowers opposite. Two chips in edge Box 2
1 Decorative wall hanging plate, Gold color trim on edge, "Mother" w short poem , bouquet of pink, yellow, orange and white flowers, green foliage w pink bow on left, similar smaller bouquet upper right. Box 2
1 Bavaria 6" saucer w 8 scalloped on edge, white ground, gold color trim on edge w two gold color details on border opposite each other, two thistle branches w pink flowers opposite each other. Box 2
2 10" scalloped edge w 22Kgold trim. Border rose relief, center Plate 1. cherries on a branch, Plate 2. peaches on a branch. Back Logo of a painter palette and three brushes w an S in the center, warranted 22K. Box 1
2 Japan Decorative wall hanging plates, 8", hand painted w gold colored trim on edges, both plates different with similar theme, river and tree foreground, house centerground, Plate 1. swan in foreground, 2.Mountains in bground. Box
4 6 1/2", white ground w blue underglaze design. Dental trim on edges, border hatched w scrolls (similar to those on currier and Ives plates), scene in center foreground left woman standing among farm hands sitting on ground, right farmhand stacking bundled wheat, centerground trees, bundles wheat farmhands, wagon w four horse team, bground forest meadow and house in the distance. Box 2
4 5 1/2 " saucer, white (almost seems to have blue cast) w light blue underglaze. non-repeating trim/border w dogwood flowers, sunflowers and other non-discript flowers, center eight oriental men in long robes, hands in their sleeves moustache, goatee, and ponytail w shaved head, a table w pagoda like object on it and Bamboo plants radiating out from middle. Not sure if glaze is light on propose or faded Box 2
4 3-9 1/4", 1-7 1/4", fiesta ware, small-periwinkle, large-turquoise, rose and yellow. No distinctive markings. Box
5 6 1/2", white ground w blue underglaze design. Dental trim on edges, border hatched w scrolls (similar to those on currier and Ives plates), River Paddle Boat in center. Box 2
15 Royal China USA 1-5 1/2" bowl, 8-6", 5- 9" plates and 1-10 1/2"plater, "Royal Ironstone", "Willow Ward", detergent-proof, oven-proof, dish washer-safe, underglaze. Classic Willow Design. Box